Cloak and Dagger Secrets

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Russia Threaten West and NATO Not to Inferfere in Syria

Russia Threaten West and NATO Not to Interfere in Syria 

Written by Thomas Cain

Here is the real reason why British Prime Minister David Cameron backed off on bombing the hell out of Syria.  Cloak and Dagger Secrets has learned through an anonymous high ranking Russian military source that Russia has made it known that they have air supremacy over Syria.  Russia has warned NATO and its allies that there is a major game change in the war with IS (ISIL).


Behind the scenes the West has been pushed out of the Syrian war by the superiority of the Russian Air Force. October 25, 2015, in a secret midnight telephone call with US President Obama, the Russian leader Vladimir Putin presented a caveat that Russia will not tolerate any interference in Syria from the West or its NATO allies.  Such interference will be met with the might and power of the Russian armed forces.

Shortly afterward the United States kow-towed and is now seeking an alliance with Russia to fight IS (ISIL). Publicly Russia is stating that it is willing to work as an ally with its partner the United States.  Behind the scenes is a different story.  Cloak and Dagger Secrets has learned that Russia is prepared to go to war with NATO and the West over its right to keep President Bashar al-Assad in power.

NATO is blustering threats of war and that is all it is.  Europe is not willing to go to war with Russia at a time when its neighbors can see the handwriting on the wall.  A nuclear war with Russia, China, Iran, and their allies is a lose-lose situation.  For the first time since the new cold war began with Russia the West is forced to concede that Russia is in control of the Middle East.   

Cloak and Dagger Secrets has also discovered that Russia has shipped nuclear weapons into Syria.  Their tanks, missiles, jets, and hand propelled weapons are outfitted with nuclear weapons.  As of this writing, nearly 200,000 Russian troops are gearing up to enter the battle against IS (ISIL)  in Syria.  Russia considers IS (ISIL) a threat to its national security, and if need be, they are preparing for a preemptive strike with the West and NATO.

Cloak and Dagger has also learned that China is moving in troops and weapons into Syria, along with Iran and India.  As each day passes Russia is gaining more and more allies in its fight with IS (ISIL)  What worries the West is that Russia is on the brink of using itS nuclear arsenal in its fight against IS (ISIL).  What is even more disturbing is the West (CIA) has been supporting IS (ISIL) and other terrorist groups with millions of dollars and weapons in its effort to overthrow Syrian President Assad. 

The West has used shameful propaganda that the Russian air force recklessly and without consideration of human lives have bombed several Syrian hospitals.  As it turns out, such lies have left the West with egg on its face.  The US Air Force purposely and willfully has played a major role in its bombing of hospitals and killing innocent doctors and patients, not the Russians.

As Russia holds major meeting with its allies on the prospect of a nuclear war with NATO and the West, nuclear weapons are being juggled from one nation to another.  The West and NATO are not in a position to stop the Russian juggernaut or its allies.  With its nuclear alliance with China and India all that the West and NATO can do is whimper "foul" and kow-tow with their heads hung between their legs.