Cloak and Dagger Secrets

Cloak and Dagger Secrets
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Friday, November 6, 2015

Truth Behind "Anonymous"

By Thomas Cain

They call themselves avengers fighting against racial discrimination.  Anonymous claim to have the goods on hundreds of American citizens the are members of the infamous Klu Klux Klan aka KKK that is listed as a terrorist organization in the United States and elsewhere.  The KKK is known for its brutal murders and hangings of blacks that date back from the mid 1800s through the late 1960s.

The Ku Klux Klan's long history of violence grew out of the resentment and hatred many white Southerners felt in the aftermath of the Civil War. Blacks, having won the struggle for freedom from slavery, were now faced with a new struggle against widespread racism and the terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan. While the menace of the KKK has peaked and waned over the years, it has never vanished. (Southern Law Poverty Center)

Anonymous claims to  have a complete list of the KKK's current members and is going to publish said list on their website.  However, we at Cloak and Dagger Secrets have been informed by a member of Anonymous that the Obama Justice Department is the primary principals behind Anonymous.  The Justice Department is secretively funding Anonymous as well as providing the group classified information on the KKK and other so-called racial organizations.

President Barack Obama's goal is to divide American blacks against whites and Hispanics.  Anonymous is just one black against white  hate groups financially sponsored the US Justice Department.  Former US Attorney General, Eric Holder, gave special privileges to the black terrorist organization, the New Black Panthers.  Said privileges shielded New Black Panther members from federal and state prosecution from crimes of hate attacks on whites to bank robbery, rape and murder.

Anonymous is a water shed to harbor terrorism in disguised in the name of American justice.  The core of the group members are criminals whose crimes include, but limited to, murder, rape, bank robber, drug smuggling, as well as smuggling guns throughout the US and Mexico.

It is now evident that the Zetas Drug Cartel are financial sponsors of Anonymous as well as the financial backers of the New Black Panthers.  The FBI is well aware of  Zetas' financial contributions to Anonymous and the New Black Panthers, yet their hands are tied behind their backs to arrest members of Anonymous or the New Black Panthers.

Thanks to President Obama, he has turned the US Justice Department into a terrorist organization that is out to destroy white America and its Christian civilization. Most of the people on Anonymous' list are not terrorist at all, but rather people that are targets of the Democratic Political Party. 

America has fallen into a dark, deep pit of hatred and moral decay.  America has morphed from a God-fearing nation into a nation of liars, deceivers, a putrefaction of Demonic worshipers.  The truth is the old American purity values are long forgotten.  Preachers that preach Biblical principles are arrested and charged as hate mongers.  Politicians that hold Godly principles are removed from office.  The American flag is spit on, burns, and defalcated. 

It is not IS (ISIL) American have to fear, but rather its own government as well as internal terrorist groups such as Anonymous and the New Black Panthers.  Obama's plan to destroy white America is right on schedule.  The old ways of honor and integrity have been tossed out the window.  The New American has taken over with it banner of hatred and terrorism flying proudly over the US Capitol.