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Monday, February 1, 2016

Please help the poor & needy children in Israel

An Israeli child presses a written prayer into the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem.

“He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward him for what he has done.”  (Proverbs 19:17
Your help Today will be going towards helping Tal, an 11 year old boy who lives in Northern Israel (his mother contacted us on Friday for help), as well as 5 children of an Orthodox Jewish man who has asked for help to feed his family.  
Tal is a special needs child, and we are going to help him financially so that he can go to a special school as the local school board has refused to help pay for this.
According to the Alternative Poverty Report, some 2.6 million Israelis live under the poverty line.  Over 35% of Israeli children live under the poverty line!

One in three children here in the Holy Land lives in poverty!

The report states that 37% of Israeli children skip a meal or eat little due to their family's financial hardship.  Sadly, 14% of children did not eat for an entire day because their parents could not buy food.

Every third Israeli child lives in poverty.

Here are some compelling statistics:
  • 24% of children sometimes go to school without food;
  • 4% of children regularly go to school without food;
  • 14% of children beg in the streets;
  • 62% of impoverished parents cannot afford medicine or medical treatments for their children;
  • 96% of impoverished elderly do not have enough to buy necessities in order to live in dignity;
  • 90% of the elderly cannot afford nursing care or help at home;
  • 52% of the elderly cannot afford medicine or medical treatments;
  • 43% of the elderly suffer from poor nutrition due to lack of basic food; and
  • 54% of poor people had their water or electricity disconnected in the last year because they could not pay their bill.

A homeless man begs for coins in a street in Israel.

Here at Bibles For Israel, we are helping the homeless, elderly, single parents, disabled, and the poor through your special gifts.
The people we assist are grateful that you are out there giving generously.  Here is what a few people have told us:
From Jerusalem - “Thank you very much for paying for my rent when I could not afford to."
From Herzliya - "My 7 children and wife thank you so much for helping feed us this month!"
From Tel Aviv - "I do not know how to say thank you, words can not describe my gratitude."

A homeless man prays at the Western (Wailing) Wall

“Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in My name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.”  (Mark 9:41)
“A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.”  (Proverbs 22:9)

Click to Help the Poor