Cloak and Dagger Secrets

Cloak and Dagger Secrets
Governments can run but they cannot hide from the public exposure of Cloak and Dagger Secrets. Our team of professional journalists and agents go behind the scenes to expose the espionage secrets of governments and corporations. The name of the game is espionage, spying, sex, money laundering, power control, deception, lying, fraud, greed and lust, and murder. We have it all to tell at Cloak and Dagger Secrets.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

CIA - LDS Mormon Missionary Spies

The Thomas Cain Report has discovered through its Confidential Informant (C.I.) contact that the LDS Church, aka Mormons may be using Mormon Missionaries to smuggle guns and weapons into Spain, Germany, France, UK, and a host of other nations, including Russia.

Working in conjunction with the CIA and NSA Mormon missionaries are assigned a working relationship with underground spy contacts.  Once the missionaries make their contacts the CIA supply the LDS Missionaries a cache of weapons, such as small arms pistols, automatic rifles, grenades, body armor, satellite phones, radios, and even heavy artillery equipped armored vehicles.

For years the CIA has employed Mormon Missionaries spies throughout Europe.  The LDS Church as run an International spy ring under the nose of European spy agencies.  The clean cut, wholesome, family oriented LDS Missionary has been able to work as spies without detecting the eye of German, France, Spain, Italy, and UK law enforcement agencies.

LDS spies are paid by the CIA to gather as much information and data on political and corporate figures.  Both men and women use sex as their advantage to garner top secret information from their unsuspecting victims.  Orgies and wild sex parties is a common ploy of LDS spies.  Some LDS missionaries spy for the "James Bond" adventure, most missionaries spy for the boat load of cash paid to them by the CIA.

In just a few weeks CIA - LDS missionaries will be leaving their Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah for destinations throughout Europe.  Russia is a primary source for missionary spies.  In the next few weeks several missionaries, men and women are headed toward Russia for their spying assignments.  When the young people first arrive in Russia they will remain in a low key status.

The missionaries will perform their daily duties of proselyting lost Russian souls for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint.  As time passes their duties will extend to smuggling weapons to underground terrorist rebels that receive CIA financial backing.

The LDS Missionaries have a two fold assignment. 1) Save lost souls for the LDS Church, 2) Smuggle weapons to underground terrorists that are CIA operatives; and, 3) Garner data and information from political figures and corporate officers.  In other words, save the lost, provide weapons to murder, and sale sex for information.

In the next few months keep your eye on Russia as an influx of LDS missionaries are assigned espionage operations throughout northern and southern Russia.  It is not IS (ISIL) that Russians have to fear, but rather the wholesome, God-fearing, CIA - LDS missionaries that are out to harm Russia's national security.