Cloak and Dagger Secrets

Cloak and Dagger Secrets
Governments can run but they cannot hide from the public exposure of Cloak and Dagger Secrets. Our team of professional journalists and agents go behind the scenes to expose the espionage secrets of governments and corporations. The name of the game is espionage, spying, sex, money laundering, power control, deception, lying, fraud, greed and lust, and murder. We have it all to tell at Cloak and Dagger Secrets.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Thomas Cain is Back in the Saddle

After taking a six weeks hiatus, Thomas Cain is back at work at the Thomas Cain Report.  Thomas says six weeks hiatus is a long time to be away. He is ready and more than anxious to return to his anchor chair at the Thomas Cain Report, and RMCP.  Welcome back Thomas Cain.