Cloak and Dagger Secrets

Cloak and Dagger Secrets
Governments can run but they cannot hide from the public exposure of Cloak and Dagger Secrets. Our team of professional journalists and agents go behind the scenes to expose the espionage secrets of governments and corporations. The name of the game is espionage, spying, sex, money laundering, power control, deception, lying, fraud, greed and lust, and murder. We have it all to tell at Cloak and Dagger Secrets.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

CIA - LDS Mormon Missionary Spies

The Thomas Cain Report has discovered through its Confidential Informant (C.I.) contact that the LDS Church, aka Mormons may be using Mormon Missionaries to smuggle guns and weapons into Spain, Germany, France, UK, and a host of other nations, including Russia.

Working in conjunction with the CIA and NSA Mormon missionaries are assigned a working relationship with underground spy contacts.  Once the missionaries make their contacts the CIA supply the LDS Missionaries a cache of weapons, such as small arms pistols, automatic rifles, grenades, body armor, satellite phones, radios, and even heavy artillery equipped armored vehicles.

For years the CIA has employed Mormon Missionaries spies throughout Europe.  The LDS Church as run an International spy ring under the nose of European spy agencies.  The clean cut, wholesome, family oriented LDS Missionary has been able to work as spies without detecting the eye of German, France, Spain, Italy, and UK law enforcement agencies.

LDS spies are paid by the CIA to gather as much information and data on political and corporate figures.  Both men and women use sex as their advantage to garner top secret information from their unsuspecting victims.  Orgies and wild sex parties is a common ploy of LDS spies.  Some LDS missionaries spy for the "James Bond" adventure, most missionaries spy for the boat load of cash paid to them by the CIA.

In just a few weeks CIA - LDS missionaries will be leaving their Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah for destinations throughout Europe.  Russia is a primary source for missionary spies.  In the next few weeks several missionaries, men and women are headed toward Russia for their spying assignments.  When the young people first arrive in Russia they will remain in a low key status.

The missionaries will perform their daily duties of proselyting lost Russian souls for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint.  As time passes their duties will extend to smuggling weapons to underground terrorist rebels that receive CIA financial backing.

The LDS Missionaries have a two fold assignment. 1) Save lost souls for the LDS Church, 2) Smuggle weapons to underground terrorists that are CIA operatives; and, 3) Garner data and information from political figures and corporate officers.  In other words, save the lost, provide weapons to murder, and sale sex for information.

In the next few months keep your eye on Russia as an influx of LDS missionaries are assigned espionage operations throughout northern and southern Russia.  It is not IS (ISIL) that Russians have to fear, but rather the wholesome, God-fearing, CIA - LDS missionaries that are out to harm Russia's national security. 

Russia to deploy new weapons to counter US missile shield

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia will counter NATO's U.S.-led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons capable of piercing the shield, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

Vladimir Putin, Sergei Shoigu, Valery Gerasimov
Russian President Vladimir Putin, centre, shakes hands with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at a meeting with defense officials in the Bocharov Ruchei residence in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015. 
President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Russia will counter NATO's U.S.-led missile defense program by deploying new strike weapons capable of piercing the shield. Second right is Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov. (Alexei Druzhinin/RIA Novosti, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)
Putin told defense officials that by developing defenses against ballistic missiles Washington aims to "neutralize" Russia's strategic nuclear deterrent and gain a "decisive military superiority." He said that Moscow will respond by developing "strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defenses." Putin's statement comes amid a severe strain in Russia's relations with the U.S. and its NATO allies, which have plunged to the lowest point since the Cold War over the crisis in Ukraine.

For many years, the Kremlin has protested the U.S.-led missile shield, voicing concern that it could eventually become capable of intercepting Russia's nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles, thus eroding the strength of the nation's nuclear deterrent.

Washington, in turn, has argued that the shield was aimed to fend off missile threats from nations such as Iran and North Korea and wouldn't be capable of dealing with the massive Russian nuclear arsenal.
Putin argued Tuesday that the U.S. has kept working on the missile shield despite Iran's deal with six world powers that has curbed its nuclear program in exchange for relief from international sanctions.

"So, references to the Iranian and the North Korean nuclear missile threat just have served to cover up the true plans, and their true task is to neutralize nuclear potential of other nuclear powers, ... Russia in particular," Putin said. "Regrettably, our concerns and cooperation proposals haven't been taken into account."

Putin added that in the future Russia may also work on the development of its own missile defense systems, but will now focus primarily on commissioning new strike weapons. He said that over the past three years Russian arms makers already have built and tested prospective weapons systems, "which are capable of performing combat tasks in spite of the multi-echelon missile defense system." 

"Such systems have begun to enter combat duty this year," Putin said without elaborating.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Truth Behind "Anonymous"

By Thomas Cain

They call themselves avengers fighting against racial discrimination.  Anonymous claim to have the goods on hundreds of American citizens the are members of the infamous Klu Klux Klan aka KKK that is listed as a terrorist organization in the United States and elsewhere.  The KKK is known for its brutal murders and hangings of blacks that date back from the mid 1800s through the late 1960s.

The Ku Klux Klan's long history of violence grew out of the resentment and hatred many white Southerners felt in the aftermath of the Civil War. Blacks, having won the struggle for freedom from slavery, were now faced with a new struggle against widespread racism and the terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan. While the menace of the KKK has peaked and waned over the years, it has never vanished. (Southern Law Poverty Center)

Anonymous claims to  have a complete list of the KKK's current members and is going to publish said list on their website.  However, we at Cloak and Dagger Secrets have been informed by a member of Anonymous that the Obama Justice Department is the primary principals behind Anonymous.  The Justice Department is secretively funding Anonymous as well as providing the group classified information on the KKK and other so-called racial organizations.

President Barack Obama's goal is to divide American blacks against whites and Hispanics.  Anonymous is just one black against white  hate groups financially sponsored the US Justice Department.  Former US Attorney General, Eric Holder, gave special privileges to the black terrorist organization, the New Black Panthers.  Said privileges shielded New Black Panther members from federal and state prosecution from crimes of hate attacks on whites to bank robbery, rape and murder.

Anonymous is a water shed to harbor terrorism in disguised in the name of American justice.  The core of the group members are criminals whose crimes include, but limited to, murder, rape, bank robber, drug smuggling, as well as smuggling guns throughout the US and Mexico.

It is now evident that the Zetas Drug Cartel are financial sponsors of Anonymous as well as the financial backers of the New Black Panthers.  The FBI is well aware of  Zetas' financial contributions to Anonymous and the New Black Panthers, yet their hands are tied behind their backs to arrest members of Anonymous or the New Black Panthers.

Thanks to President Obama, he has turned the US Justice Department into a terrorist organization that is out to destroy white America and its Christian civilization. Most of the people on Anonymous' list are not terrorist at all, but rather people that are targets of the Democratic Political Party. 

America has fallen into a dark, deep pit of hatred and moral decay.  America has morphed from a God-fearing nation into a nation of liars, deceivers, a putrefaction of Demonic worshipers.  The truth is the old American purity values are long forgotten.  Preachers that preach Biblical principles are arrested and charged as hate mongers.  Politicians that hold Godly principles are removed from office.  The American flag is spit on, burns, and defalcated. 

It is not IS (ISIL) American have to fear, but rather its own government as well as internal terrorist groups such as Anonymous and the New Black Panthers.  Obama's plan to destroy white America is right on schedule.  The old ways of honor and integrity have been tossed out the window.  The New American has taken over with it banner of hatred and terrorism flying proudly over the US Capitol.   

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Merkel Overwhelmed: Chancellor Plunges Germany Into Chaos

German Chancellor Angela Merkel sits in the Bundestag, the lower house of parliament on August 10, 2015

Merkel’s recent statements about the need to keep German borders open in order to prevent military conflicts in Europe is causing panic and anxiety among the German population, DWN wrote.


According to the newspaper, Merkel’s actions have surprised political observers as well, some of whom say that the German Chancellor is "overwhelmed" and that her era will soon come to an end. The author argued that Merkel’s statements about the possibility of a military conflict are causing fear and panic among Germans.

“A warning of a war in Europe expressed by the German Chancellor in public is irresponsible,” the article said, adding that in this context Merkel’s statements about the need to keep the borders open sound confusing and ridiculous.

“The reaction of all ordinary people to such a threatening statement would be that they would want the borders to be closed quickly,” the author wrote. 

The situation in the country is extremely critical. There is aggression and a tense atmosphere between various groups in refugee camps that may lead to an explosion anytime. Some refugees do not view the German authorities as an obstacle and do not take into account the local legislation when initiating violent clashes.
“Will Merkel send the Bundeswehr to the camps? The police have already called the Bundeswehr during violent clashes because otherwise they would lose control,” the newspaper wrote.

According to the newspaper, the catastrophic situation has its roots in Merkel’s irresponsible policy of open doors towards all refugees and migrants. Now at a time when the influx of newcomers is still increasing and the country’s authorities are completely overwhelmed, the situation may come out of control any time. Germany and other European countries have been struggling to resolve the refugee crisis for many months, but without much success. Hundreds of thousands of undocumented migrants continue to flee their home countries in the Middle East and North Africa to escape violence and poverty.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Russia Threaten West and NATO Not to Inferfere in Syria

Russia Threaten West and NATO Not to Interfere in Syria 

Written by Thomas Cain

Here is the real reason why British Prime Minister David Cameron backed off on bombing the hell out of Syria.  Cloak and Dagger Secrets has learned through an anonymous high ranking Russian military source that Russia has made it known that they have air supremacy over Syria.  Russia has warned NATO and its allies that there is a major game change in the war with IS (ISIL).


Behind the scenes the West has been pushed out of the Syrian war by the superiority of the Russian Air Force. October 25, 2015, in a secret midnight telephone call with US President Obama, the Russian leader Vladimir Putin presented a caveat that Russia will not tolerate any interference in Syria from the West or its NATO allies.  Such interference will be met with the might and power of the Russian armed forces.

Shortly afterward the United States kow-towed and is now seeking an alliance with Russia to fight IS (ISIL). Publicly Russia is stating that it is willing to work as an ally with its partner the United States.  Behind the scenes is a different story.  Cloak and Dagger Secrets has learned that Russia is prepared to go to war with NATO and the West over its right to keep President Bashar al-Assad in power.

NATO is blustering threats of war and that is all it is.  Europe is not willing to go to war with Russia at a time when its neighbors can see the handwriting on the wall.  A nuclear war with Russia, China, Iran, and their allies is a lose-lose situation.  For the first time since the new cold war began with Russia the West is forced to concede that Russia is in control of the Middle East.   

Cloak and Dagger Secrets has also discovered that Russia has shipped nuclear weapons into Syria.  Their tanks, missiles, jets, and hand propelled weapons are outfitted with nuclear weapons.  As of this writing, nearly 200,000 Russian troops are gearing up to enter the battle against IS (ISIL)  in Syria.  Russia considers IS (ISIL) a threat to its national security, and if need be, they are preparing for a preemptive strike with the West and NATO.

Cloak and Dagger has also learned that China is moving in troops and weapons into Syria, along with Iran and India.  As each day passes Russia is gaining more and more allies in its fight with IS (ISIL)  What worries the West is that Russia is on the brink of using itS nuclear arsenal in its fight against IS (ISIL).  What is even more disturbing is the West (CIA) has been supporting IS (ISIL) and other terrorist groups with millions of dollars and weapons in its effort to overthrow Syrian President Assad. 

The West has used shameful propaganda that the Russian air force recklessly and without consideration of human lives have bombed several Syrian hospitals.  As it turns out, such lies have left the West with egg on its face.  The US Air Force purposely and willfully has played a major role in its bombing of hospitals and killing innocent doctors and patients, not the Russians.

As Russia holds major meeting with its allies on the prospect of a nuclear war with NATO and the West, nuclear weapons are being juggled from one nation to another.  The West and NATO are not in a position to stop the Russian juggernaut or its allies.  With its nuclear alliance with China and India all that the West and NATO can do is whimper "foul" and kow-tow with their heads hung between their legs.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Punishment Society — Paul Craig Roberts

The Punishment Society
Paul Craig Roberts

Once upon a time, a dental or medical exam was an opportunity to read a book. No more. The TV blares. It was talking heads discussing whether a football player had been sufficiently punished. The offense was unclear. The question was whether the lashes were sufficient.

It brought to mind that punishment has become a primary feature of American, indeed Western, society. A baker in Colorado was punished because he would not bake a wedding cake for a homosexual marriage. A county or state clerk was punished because she would not issue a marriage license for a homosexual marriage. Whistleblowers are punished—despite their protection under federal law—for revealing crimes of the US government. And children are punished for being children.

But not by their parents. Police can slam children around and seriously injure them. But parents must not lay a hand on a child. If a child gets spanked, as everyone in my generation was, in comes the Child Protective Services Gestapo. The child is seized, put into “protective custody,” and the parents are arrested. The CPS Gestapo receives a federal bonus for every child that they seize, and they want the money.

About all parents can do today is to restrict TV or video game playing time. Even this is dicey, because the kids are taught at school to report abusive behavior of parents. For many kids being told what to do by parents is abusive behavior. Kids have learned that they can pay back parents for disciplining them by reporting the parents to teachers or by themselves calling CPS. Kids who retaliate in this socially approved manner do not realize that they run a high risk of ruining the lives of their parents as well as their own by ending up in foster care where the risk of sexual abuse is present.

As society has made it possible for kids to prevail over parents, the kids think this right also applies to teachers, school administrators, and School Resource Officers, psychopaths with police badges who maintain discipline with force and violence. The kids quickly discover,as Shakara discovered in her encounter with Ben Fields, that whereas parents are constrained from using corporal punishment, School Resource Officers are not. Shakara’s desk was overturned as she sat in it. She was slammed onto the floor, dragged across the floor and handcuffed. Any parent who did that would be facing jail time.

Schools are no longer places of learning. They are places of punishment. Kids are punished for the most absurd reasons. Nothing more than behaving as a child brings on punishment. As Henry Giroux has written, schools have become places of control, repression, and punishment.

17,000 American public schools have a police presence. All common sense has long departed.
Five and six year-olds who get into a shoving match are arrested and carried off in handcuffs. Police issue tickets and fines to students for what was ordinary behavior in my school days. Suspensions result as do police records that hamper a child’s prospect of success.

The violence that Ben Fields used against Shakara is routine. Mother Jones reports that a Louisville goon thug, Jonathan Hardin punched a 13-year old in the face for cutting into the cafeteria line and of holding another 13-year old in a chokehold until the student became unconscious. A dispute over cell phone use resulted in a Houston student being hit 18 times with a police weapon.

The police violence extends beyond the schools. Any American unfortunate enough to have a police encounter risks being tasered, beaten, arrested, and even murdered.  Protesters, war and otherwise, are beaten, tear gassed, arrested. The American police state is working hard to criminalize all criticism of itself. Violence has become the defining hallmark of the United States. It is even the basis of US foreign policy. In the 21st century millions of peoples have been killed and displaced by American violence against the world.
With our public schools and police forces working overtime to teach the children who will comprise the future generations that violence is the solution and submission is the only alternative, expect the United States to be unliveable at home and an even worse danger to the rest of the world.